Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I don't think I have EVER been this ill. I was scared and wanted to go the doctor but could barely get from the bed to the bathroom.

I left work yesterday at 2:30 just feeling sick to my stomach and chilled. When I got home I slept for 2 hours, got up and went to the bathroom - over and over. Sleept for a little while and back to the bathroom. From 2:30-12:30am. I knew I was sick when I was throwing up. I never throw up. I kept telling myself that I can't be sick because I have to leave for Vegas in 2 days!

Woke up this morning with just a headache and feeling hungry, so I figured my stomach must be better. I weigh myself on Mondays - I weighed myself again this morning, 7 lbs less. Nothing like a stomach bug to lose weight.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Support comes in many forms. I have had people cheering me on with posts on facebook. Some people have gone on walks with me. Jon has chosen a different way of supporting. When I come back from my walk (lately with Polly), he has dinner made or has picked up the house. Today happened to be picking up the kitchen. I was really nice to see because I was thinking about it when I left and when I got home it was done. I didn't say anything before I left, he just read my mind. Not everyone can walk the amount of miles I am going to do, but helping out by doing the everyday stuff helps a lot too.

I love you hun.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Worth it

This would be my blister on top of a blister.

I hope this blister is worth it. If I don't get to walk in the 3-day because I don't raise the minimum amount of 2300, I think I might cry.