Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Morning

My typical day now that I am a mommy.
Anywhere between 3am and 5am there is a feeding. This is the last feeding before I would need to be out the door for work. I have started a regime.
1. Boil water in electric kettle to thaw days worth of milk.
2. feed Jolynn
3. pump
4. measure out individual containers for each feeding
5. bag up pumped milk from day before for freezing
6. wash all the bottles
7. eat breakfast
8. take a shower
9. get myself ready
10. get diaper bag packed
11. get Jolynn ready (depending on how long everything else took-may be time for a feeding again)

Mornings aren't too bad because she is still sleepy that I can get stuff done. During the day she is awake longer. Feeding and then staying awake for 1-2 hours, then sleeping for only 1-2 hours before wanting to be fed again. I'm hoping that she starts to drink more and less often soon.