Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sewing 101?

So maybe this was a little more than 101. This all started with a photo of Sarena and Nate at the Renaissance Festival last year. Sarena was wearing this totally cute outfit. I asked Nate if she made it and he said she put it together. Then enters Stephanie - girlfriend to Olaf. She works at the Feast of Fantasy and has free tickets for us this year. I got all excited because both these girls have cute outfits and I didn't want to be the odd ball outsider; so I decided to make a dress. REALLY...I should have just made a skirt and used one of my tops. This was such an undertaking. It took about 4 weekends. Luckily, Margaret owns two sewing machines and a serger. She just recently purchased a self-threading serger. This fancy serger was used on this last weekend of sewing.
The other girls had projects too. The first weekend we really concentrated on Stephanie's project since she had to start working Ren Fest. She wanted a cloak for the colder nights that would be coming. So she made a very nice cloak with fleece on the inside. She said it felt like a big snuggie! The next weekend we made a shirt for Olaf. All the while we are working on these projects I was working a little bit at a time on mine. Sarena also made a cloak. She bought a lot of her outfit online. Margaret was finding great deals at thrift stores on skirts, belts, shoes, blouses. She even found Jason and Jon shirts online.
So after 3 weekends, we come upon this last weekend. I was determined to get these done. I basically did the cloak in one weekend and the under dress in one weekend. The over dress took EVERY weekend I worked on everything else. This weekend I finished all three projects - WALA! Here you have it, my Renaissance Festival outfit!