Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Week 7

I don't think there is much to write about at this point. I don't know when most start writing. Everyone has asked how am feeling just about everyday. Most days I have been fine. Going to the bathroom a lot. I will take this over the other symptoms if I didn't hydrate myself. If I don't drink enough I am sooo dehydrated I have cotton mouth, chapped lips, and the books say I will be constipated. I'll take the peeing.

According to the websites and books, baby is about the size of a blueberry. That seems kind of big to me for 7 weeks. I have been pretty tired, and glad that I had this week off to rest. Yesterday I spent the entire day watching Netflix instant que movies. Watch a movie, go pee, watch a movie, go pee...and so on. I think I slept through one of the movies. It was just nice to not have to do anything. Each time I went upstairs to pee, I would let Polly out, so she didn't bother me inbetween times to get let out. She seemed pretty happy to just be laying on the couch with me.

I go back to work next week, and most people have already found out through Facebook about being pregnant, so it will only be a surprise to a few. Next will be getting our ducks in a row for this fall so everything will run smoothly when I am on maternity leave.

Cravings: not so sure if they are cravings or just - ooo, that looks good, I'll have that. Turkey has been a big one, which is good, because we have lots of left overs from Christmas.


Jodi said...

I bet that was fun to write! Get used to being tired, especially first and third trimesters. I remember actually taking a nap at my desk during lunch one day because I wouldn't have made it all day without it!

erin said...

"Ooh, that looks good," IS a craving my friend. :)
I'm so glad you're doing well.

Carrie A said...

Glad to hear things are good!! Make sure you drink ALOT of water mama!!