Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spa Day

I decided to host a home spa day for my girlfriends. My mom took Jolynn and Polly overnight so I could get the house cleaned and prep the food. Saturday, I had 7 friends over for face masks, manicures, pedicures, hair treatments, and paraffin waxing. I made food and had Mohitoes (with Grey Goose if you wanted to spike it). It's been a while since we have gotten together. It used to be getting together once a month or so to see a movie. Just getting out of the house and being with the girls. The guys had a similar night - Tuesday's at BWW for the wing special. They haven't done that in a while either. The last few times I have gotten together with the girls I was pregnant.

I haven't done anything with them since Jolynn was born, at least not without her. I love my time with Jolynn - especially right now because she is so interactive with her facial expressions and voice; but sometimes it is nice to sleep in, take a long shower, watch a whole movie or tv program without getting up or falling asleep, and being able to savor a meal. I just realized why I don't make big meals anymore (mostly it has been Ramen, mac-n-cheese, pizza, or something frozen that you just pop in the oven); I only have about 10 min to actually make anything before her attention span goes and she gets cranky. Then enjoying that meal is just the same. She may have eaten already, but if she's not getting attention because you are too busy eating-then you have a cranky baby again.

Anyway - back the Spa Day. It was a blast. We all sat around the table for a good hour or more just chatting (venting). Then we got out the foot spas and paraffin wax. Some did just their feet or hands, and some did both. It felt really good. Luckily Erin brought nail polish because I don't own anything but clear. There is a reason for this - I suck at putting polish on. Lauren was nice enough to paint my toes for me. Every time I look at my feet I feel fancy. Like I just went to a salon and had my toes done. My little secret that it was done at home :)

I wanted this to be really special for all my girl friends, so I didn't have them bring anything but themselves. As much as I would love to do this again, I don't think I could do that part again. Welcome to host it, but going to need each person to bring food of some sort. I love to entertain, but my single/non-mommy days are behind me. I need to realize that I can't do everything anymore and I need to learn to accept help.

I wish I would have taken some pictures. We were just so busy chit chatting. The best one would have been Lauren and my face after putting on our Avocado/Carrot/Honey masque. It looked similar to what Jolynn spewed all over me later in the evening when I tried to feed her pureed carrots. (BTW-carrots stain...bad.)

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