Sunday, October 9, 2011

My thought on government assistance

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Since this is my personal blog I have decided to let loose here, because if I did it on another public venue I'm sure I would get tons of comments ridiculing me for my opinion.

Jon and I are hard working adults with two cars, a house, a child, a dog. We have some debt and lately have been living from pay check to pay check. We get super excited when we get any kind of bonus, overtime, or when Uncle Sam sends us a check. Not that it isn't already spent.

Here is my beef. When we first started struggling we tried to apply for WIC. We didn't qualify because we made too much money the year before (even with me being on maternity leave for 3 months). So we knew we would not qualify this year being that we were both full time again. I'm upset because I know people that are on assistance with one child, then keep having more. Guess who pays for it - US! If you couldn't afford the one why does the government keep providing? I don't know how it all works. Maybe you get less and less for each child you have. Why wouldn't people just keep having babies if they know the government will provide. If you are going to live off the government, fine. I get really frustrated when I see someone on assistance that is taking trips or making frivolous purchases. That's government money that I am working overtime for so you can go on a vacation, but I can't get assistance to help buy necessities for my child.

I know at this point I am probably sounding like a hypocrite because I'm taking a trip in a few weeks to Vegas. I don't have the money for it, but I was invited and I really want to get away. I got a good deal on the trip. I don't plan on doing anything else there but people watch and lounge poolside. I'm getting a tattoo that is going on my credit card.

Other people's answer to my problem has been to have more babies. Then you will qualify for assistance. That's just my point. You shouldn't have more kids with the thought that someone else will provide for you. Try providing for yourself. I would love to have one more, but I am terrified that it could put us in bankruptcy. The economy still isn't great and selling our house is not an option. We have a loving support system out there with our parents and friends. They have given us way more than they should. It is our problem, and we know they have their hard falls too. We don't expect anything from anyone and we don't ask for it either.

Okay. I think that's it for now. If you've read this thinking I'm a bitch for speaking this way, I'm not sorry. Like I said, this is my personal blog. It's my space to vent. Get over it.

1 comment:

erin said...

I don't think you're a B. I think these are some very interesting insights. I'm sorry you guys are struggling. We are here if you need anything!!
Thanks for sharing!