Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Change of Plans

I called Maple Grove Hospital and found out a few different clinics and physicians that were participating. I looked them up on the internet first. Some had some good reviews, others not so much. One place had a new location - right inside the hospital, or close to it. It's North Clinic. On the same street as the hospital so I thought it is either in the same building or attached possibly. I asked North Clinic if they partnered with Maple Grove Hospital; check. I asked if they took Cigna; check. We were good to go! The other clinic wanted me to come back at 17 weeks. These guys prefer you to come once a month or every 4 weeks. So they scheduled me to come back on 2/24. Not sure if it will just be a normal check up or a full blown exam since they have never seen me before. The one change about North Clinic is that they do not have midwives. Only Docs and Nurses. This could actually be a good thing since we are concerned about W.P.W. Syndrome. Having a doctor there is a little more reassuring. North Clinic also has the ultrasound equipment on site; so, unlike the other place, we won't have to go off site to get that done.

Since the posting of the bpm there have been many speculations that it is a girl - I'm still thinking boy. Either will be just fine of course.

Tomorrow I will go back to the other clinic and have a glucose test and I have to ask for my records so I can bring them with to the next clinic.


Meghan said...

I'm surprised they are having you do the glucose test so early! My doc scheduled mine for around 26-28 weeks with both pregnancies. Good luck with the new clinic, it's always nerve racking to change!

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