Monday, February 11, 2008

Graduation Day

After 6 weeks of training class every Monday (and enduring dinners with my mom), Polly has graduated from puppy school. She did very well. I have to give my mom a lot if not all the credit. Since she stays with my mom she had to do most of the training or at least enforce what we learned each week. My mom even taught her how to lay down and stay before we got to that part in class. Then they had to learn a trick for graduation day. My mom taught Polly to shake. Polly really did good at the lay down and stay-no effort really, just lounging around. Soon we will be able to take her with us when we get the house and she has a yard to run around in.


Carrie A said...

Oh! polly's cute!! Is she full black lab?

erin said...

Congratulations, Polly!

Jodi said...

I bet you're counting the days until you can have her everyday! At least you have Ilsa-and BUDDY!- to distract you until you can have Polly