Monday, February 25, 2008


Seriously-I think there needs to be a rule about everyone calling in sick at the same time. My department has 5 people and a receptionist. Two people called in sick, then the receptionist had to go home because her kid was sick. The other girl in my area took over for her. That left me and the supervisor to answer the phones. Luckily they weren't that busy. I know I have mentioned this before-I am a machine. It is Monday and I have already called my whole weeks worth of schools. Granted I had to leave messages at half of them, but I did call them and now I am just waiting on call backs. If I don't hear from them by Wednesday I call again, and then again Friday. I don't want to be too pesty, but I do have to get the info this week. So even with 3 people out, and answering the phones (since the supervisor was of course in meetings for most of the day). I still managed to get my work done.

Don't you just love Mondays...oh and it was my mom's birthday today so we went out for dinner.

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