Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hospital Stay: Day 4

We had a few more visitors today; Jodi, Brian and the girls, Olaf and Knute.

Today was the day to get my butt in motion. They told me I would be concentrating on getting my milk to come in. I was getting very discouraged. She was improving every time we went in to check on her, and I was still the same-pumping only a smear of milk onto the collection cups.

When we checked on Jolynn she was sucking away on her pacifier. The nurses have been working with her on the sucking so when I come in at least I have that. We have been trying different holds for breastfeeding. I like the football hold on the left side, but Jolynn does not. She doesn't mind it on the right side, but my right side isn't producing anything right now. When Jodi came she watched and suggested different things while I tried to feed again. It was really helpful. I was supposed to meet with a lactation consultant but they have very odd hours and had left early.

Jon has been absolutely wonderful. He is such a proud papa and really took today to be with her any moment he had. I have a thing about waking a sleeping baby-they look so peaceful I don't want to disturb them. He said he didn't want her being alone in the little tray they have her in, so he would rather be holding her. So sweet. He also asks all the right questions and remembers everything.

Jolynn's temperature was regulated enough that she was controlling it so she was switched to a regular bed instead of the warmer. Her glucose levels were normal and stayed there so the IVs were removed. Since the IVs were removed she still had to get nourishment and my milk has not come in yet, so they put a tiny tube in her nose down to her stomach. She is getting supplemental formula as well as breastfeeding and taking whatever I get from pumping.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Not having your milk yet is normal. With both of my kids I got it a day or two after I left the hospital. I know learning and teaching Jolynn how to nurse is very frustrating, but keep at it. It will be very rewarding and convienent in the long run. Once you both get your groove you will be able to focus on bonding with her, and you will be happy that you continued through this.