Friday, April 2, 2010

20 weeks

WOO HOO!! I really can't believe I'm at the end of 20 weeks. Time is going by so fast. I feel like things are starting to move along now getting organized. My checkoff list is right on track. New Parenting classes-check. Daycare-check. Registered-check. Breast-pump-check. It was my birthday last weekend, I asked for money so I could get the egress window installed downstairs. Now that that is in I can start working on the craft room. Most of the craft supplies are in the guest room, under the steps, and in the garage. It will be nice when they are all in one spot. Then I can get the guest room in order for the moms to stay in if they wish to once the baby is born (hint, hint).

This whole pregnancy I have been thinking I'm having a boy. It doesn't really matter what we have, but lately I've been wondering if it is a girl because so many people (including Jon) would like to have a girl. Next Wednesday is the ultrasound and we will hopefully find out what sex Chishi is.

I'll have to look back at my friends' blogs about their pregnancy at this time and see if I am having the same "symptoms" as they did. Lately it has been so hard for me to find a comfortable position when going to bed. Also, I don't know if it is just really dry or if my blood pressure is up, but I've been getting bloody noses when I blow my nose. Not randomly, only when I blow. This morning I thought my nose was plugged up, I blew my nose and a big snot clot came out. Gross, I know, sorry...TMI.

No new cravings - I actually haven't been eating a whole lot. A little cereal, popcorn, peanut butter sandwiches. We had Chimichangas from Aldi yesterday and I could only eat half of one! I didn't eat for the rest of the night, didn't eat breakfast this morning until almost 10. Just not hungry. Milk and water seem to be the staples at the moment.

Chishi update:
Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)

He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).


Jodi said...

I never had the bloody nose problem, but I know Erin did. Good luck with the comfy position for the next 20 weeks! It's just getting you prepared for no sleep once s/he is born! I'll stay in your guest room! Can't wait for next week...

erin said...

I sure did have a bloody nose issue! Holy mack. Basically, there's so much extra blood in your body, it's easier for it to come out. You might notice your gums bleeding more frequently when you brush/floss these days.