Saturday, May 10, 2008


Yesterday I was carrying some laundry down the steps and didn't turn the light on. I thought I had one step left, there was actually two. I fell pretty hard on my knee. I couldn't move for a while, and then it just stiffened up. I put some ice on it and elevated it and took some Advil. This morning I could walk but couldn't go up or down steps very well. It was difficult to take Polly out this morning because I knew I couldn't chase after her if she ran. We were up at 5:30am, she didn't do anything but sniff the yard. When she had to go out again at 6 Jon took her out. She went poop, then saw two deer and took off. He chased her down. When he got in he was frustrated (as am I every time I have to take her out and she doesn't do anything). I called my mom and asked if she could take Polly back for a while until we got the fence up. So next big project is getting that installed. We hope to have it done by Memorial weekend so we can have her back. Having her around is a joy and pain all together. In a way I don't think we should have attempted having her without the fence already installed.

I also forgot to mention-there were no accidents in the house again, but she did chew or possible her nails got snagged on the brand new carpet upstairs in our room. There is now a small hole that needs to be repaired.


Carrie A said...

Oh no! That sucks! Hope you get that fence up soon so she can come home!!!

Jodi said...

Feel better!! Wish I could help so you could get her back faster.