Monday, June 7, 2010

30 weeks

I had my 30 week appointment on Monday. My glucose results from last week were 88, (which were lower than last time!) so I don’t have to do the 3 hour test. Still haven’t gained any weight. My BP was 140/88. She upped my meds again to 300 mg 2xday. She said to tell my boss that I would for sure not be going past 39 weeks, so at the latest I will now be 8/8. If they have to keep upping my meds and it looks like the baby isn’t growing anymore, I may go in at 37 weeks (7/25). I don't know if this means induction or C-section. I'm hoping for induction. The only thing I am worried about with this new time-line is the showers. Nothing has gone out for dates as far as I know. I have only the car seat to get to be able to bring Jolynn home. Everything else can be later. The car seat is a combo traveling system with the stroller, so I don't want to go get it early if someone already bought or planned on buying it. (I have since found out that my cousin and aunt have gone in together and purchased this so I don't have to worry about the car seat.-Thank you Sarah and Cindy!)

Okay - so you ask,

"Are you excited?" - yes!
"Are you nervous?" - I wasn't until I got the news that I was possibly going from 10 weeks left to 7 weeks.

Besides the news about moving up the due date, the doctor also put me on Zantac 2x day. She thinks the night time acid reflux is causing my cough, which in turn makes me cough so hard I gag and then throw-up. Hoping this will help, since taking around 10 Tums a day is not working.
Night one of new drugs: 300 mg of BP meds+2 tsp Robitussin+150mg of Zantac=no Tums all night and only getting up to go to the bathroom!

Class this week:
We went over more relaxation techniques, medications, and packing your bags. Pr
obably all good things considering we are at the end of 30 weeks and now looking at 6 weeks left. I'm really hoping we go longer than 37 weeks, but preparing myself for it at the same time. We found out that the epidural can actually lower your blood pressure (which was a bullet point in the disadvantage side). In my case, this may be a good thing.

This jump start in time has kick started something in Jon. He had two days off this week (his normal), but he got so much done. Normally I ask what he did all day and he says nothing or he'll do something that really does itself (laundry/dishes in dishwasher). This week he tackled cutting the lawn, pulling/killing weeds, laundry, dishes, vacuumed, laid carpet in the entryway, and we both started organizing/cleaning the guest room. Lots of stuff gett
ing accomplished here. He also made dinner two nights in a row! I am soo grateful to have him in my life. I can't imagine anyone else caring for me so much (even when I am bitchy).

Jolynn's progress:

Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds. A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)


Jodi said...

Oh my!! Erin and I were talking about your friends shower today. Get movin' on the list, cuz we're getting movin' on the planning! How about July 10th or June 26th??

Unknown said...

Either day works - when do you need the list? Have you talked to Margaret about using her house or did you have another plan?

GML said...


Why am I only coming across this blog now? I'm 16.4 weeks pregnant today and I thought it would be great to document everything about my first pregnancy.

So refreshing reading what other women go through in their pregnancies.

Congrats on your pregnancy.
Now let me try to catch up on this blog.