Wednesday, June 30, 2010

33 weeks

Doc Appt: A much better turn out than last week. BP 124/84. Gained 3 lbs, but still down 2 from starting weight. They said they will be hooking me up to the non-stress test every visit now. Jolynn was not as active as last time but her heartbeat was steady and the doc said that was all she was looking for; that Jolynn was not stressed in the womb. She said if everything keeps going the way it is we can look at a due date no later than 8/8. Next week is another ultrasound.

This past weekend was my first shower. I had so much fun. I'm really not used to being the center of attention. Usually I am the one hosting (I love to host parties). Everytime I turned around someone was doing something for me. Getting me water, get another present, packed up all the presents and brought them to the car before I knew what was going on. All taken care of.

This weekend is the Annual Fourth of July party at the Moritz house. Lots more food, fun, friends, and family. Hopefully the weather will hold out because everyone always goes in the pool. I went in the day before the shower to try and clean out some of the debris. A bit cold, but okay once I moved around. I couldn't quite get myself to go under however. When I got out I felt like I weighed 30lbs more! The front of me felt soo heavy. I didn't feel lighter when I was in the water, but getting out was such a difference.

Jolynn's progress:
This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds and has passed the 17-inch mark. She's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and her skeleton is hardening. The bones in her skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for her to fit through the birth canal.

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